PowerCamps are coming soon
Every PowerTrader user with an activated and ongoing subscription is invited to visit and stay at our PowerCamps! Users can stay at each camp for up to 2 weeks each year!

PowerCamps are here so you have a place to be.

PowerTrader uses a portion of our income to pay Landowners for usage rights.

PowerTrader then creates parks and camps at these locations.

Each PowerCamp will use XLCR as its local currency.

Have land and want to get involved?
Send us an email!


PowerTrader’s Coin Collector bot and WaveRider Futures Hedging Bot are nothing more than tools, and you are FULLY responsible for using these tools properly. There are always risks involved with trading and investments. You should still manage your portfolio, only run the bots when you feel it is safe to run them, and only invest what you are willing to lose. Past performance does not guarantee future results. We do not provide refunds. We do not provide reimbursements for any matter. We are not providing investment advice. We are only providing software and subscriptions to use the software.