To avoid having the bot automatically do a sell all reset when you deposit money, please follow the process below:
1. Edit settings, toggle the text boxes, and raise auto sell all gain to some crazy high number such as 1000000
2. Deposit usdt into trading acct
3. Let framework run through the cycle of updating the charts and data
4. Lower auto sell all gain (using the text box, not the slider) setting until the yellow “sell all target” line is down to the blue “all complete” line on account value graphs. To do this, remove a 0 from the sell all gain, save settings, see how close the yellow and blue lines are, then edit settings again, take another 0 off, save, then check the lines again. Repeat this process until they are close. Once they get close, stop just removing 0s and starting actually lowering the number, save, check lines, and repeat until the yellow and blue lines touch.
PowerTrader’s Coin Collector bot and WaveRider Futures Hedging Bot are nothing more than tools, and you are FULLY responsible for using these tools properly. There are always risks involved with trading and investments. You should still manage your portfolio, only run the bots when you feel it is safe to run them, and only invest what you are willing to lose. Past performance does not guarantee future results. We do not provide refunds. We do not provide reimbursements for any matter. We are not providing investment advice. We are only providing software and subscriptions to use the software.