Our Telegram Signals Listener currently works with the following Signal Providers:
Setup Instructions:
1. Go to the Console on your User Interface
2. Login to droplet (Username: root | Password: whatever you created when you made the Droplet)
3. Open button menu
4. View Signals Listener
5. Login with your PowerTrader info.
6. Next, go to Telegram, and start a conversation with @botfather.
7. Say /newbot
8. Give your bot a name
9. Give your bot a username
10. Copy the Token from Botfather, and paste it into the Signal Listener on the Console, then press enter. Signal Listener will start up.
11. Have your signal provider invite your Listener bot to their channel. After that, their signals will be TOTALLY automated to your Kucoin acct through Coin Collector! YOU MUST HAVE telegramsignalslistenerstart AS YOUR START ENGINE, AND telegramsignalslistenerdca AS YOUR DCA ENGINE!!!!
PowerTrader’s Coin Collector bot and WaveRider Futures Hedging Bot are nothing more than tools, and you are FULLY responsible for using these tools properly. There are always risks involved with trading and investments. You should still manage your portfolio, only run the bots when you feel it is safe to run them, and only invest what you are willing to lose. Past performance does not guarantee future results. We do not provide refunds. We do not provide reimbursements for any matter. We are not providing investment advice. We are only providing software and subscriptions to use the software.