
Steps to Troubleshoot:

1. Reboot your droplet and restart all processes. Start the Framework first and then do the others. If that doesn’t fix the issue move to 2.

2. Do the Software Update Instructions found here. If that doesn’t fix the issue move to 3.

3. Run the Amount Fixer following the instructions found here. If that doesn’t fix the issue move to 4.

4. Look through the Troubleshooting Topics below. If that doesn’t fix the issue move to 5.

5. Contact us through email or our Telegram Support Chat. The issue will be fixed after that and you may even be eligible for an XLCR Bug Bounty!




Everything seems to be working, but no trades are happening

Potential Solutions

1. Check your % in trades. If it is above your safemode amount, only DCA buys will happen. If your % in trades is at 100, there is no USDT left in your account to use for more buys.

2. View Framework and make sure it is continuously scrolling

3. View the Engines you are using and make sure they are continuously scrolling

4. Make sure the Engines are chosen in your Settings

5. Make sure the Trade permission is enabled on your API on Kucoin

6. If none of the above fixes it, please contact us!




I cannot buy a coin using the Buy Coins button on the Interface.


Kill all processes

cd /var/www/html

unlink yourusernameforce_buy_coins.txt

Reboot droplet

Restart processes

Press the Set file permissions button within the Interface Console

The Buy Coins button will work




I cannot force a coil to sell using the Interface.


Kill all processes

cd /var/www/html

unlink yourusernameforce_sell.txt

Reboot droplet

Restart processes

Press the Set file permissions button within the Interface Console

Force sell will work




A trade in Coin Collector doesn’t exist on Kucoin, or the amount bought into a coin is incorrect, or you are receiving weird errors on Framework


1. Kill Framework

2. Run Amount Fixer script

3. Restart Framework




Signal Listener is not receiving signals

Potential Solutions

1. Make sure your bot is actually in your signal provider’s signal channel and it has the correct permissions

2. Make sure you used the token from the correct BotFather bot




Signal Listener IS receiving signals, but the Framework is not buying them

Potential Solutions

1. The coin is already being traded

2. You dont have telegramsignalslistenerstart or telegramsignalslistenerdca as an Engine selection

3. The amount your bot is trying to buy is below the minimum for that particular coin

4. Or the coin isn’t on your Trade Only list




I forgot my interface password


Access your console on DigitalOcean

Do command: cd /var/www/html

Do command: unlink yourusername_webpass.txt

Close the console window, return to Interface, refresh the page




It says I have made profit, but my account value hasn’t changed or has gone down. What is happening?


This is normal and is not a problem. Your current trading account value comes from the value of all coins currently being held in your trading account. Even if some trades complete and make profit, you still have other ongoing trades that are affecting your account value. The profit from complete trades just keeps stacking in the background, giving you slightly more buying power every so often for new trades. If you were to not start any new trades and just let all the current trades finish, then your account value would be up the same amount as your profit amount, but since it gets reinvested, your account value fluctuates with the values of the coins in trades. You can think of it like a roller coaster with an average upward slope.

PowerTrader’s Coin Collector bot and WaveRider Futures Hedging Bot are nothing more than tools, and you are FULLY responsible for using these tools properly. There are always risks involved with trading and investments. You should still manage your portfolio, only run the bots when you feel it is safe to run them, and only invest what you are willing to lose. Past performance does not guarantee future results. We do not provide refunds. We do not provide reimbursements for any matter. We are not providing investment advice. We are only providing software and subscriptions to use the software.